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- The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction
- Default / Credit Risk Resources - Papers
- Papers about Credit Pricing and Credit Spreads
- Papers about Credit Risk Modeling
- Credit Risk Modeling at Major US Banking Institutions
- A Comparative Anatomy of Credit Risk Models
- A Jump-Diffusion Approach to Modeling Credit Risk and Valuing Defaultable Securities
- Estimation of a Reduced-Form Credit Portfolio Model and Extensions to Dynamic Frailties
- Credit Risk Modelling: Current Practices and Applications
- Integrating Interest Rate Risk and Credit Risk in Asset and Liability Management
- Portfolio Credit Risk
- From CreditMetrics to CreditRisk+ and Back Again
- Bayesian Inference for Generalized Linear Mixed Models of Portfolio Credit Risk
- Ratings-based Credit Risk Modelling: An empirical analysis
- Some Elements of Rating-Based Credit Risk Modeling
- A Comparative Analysis of Current Credit Risk Models
- A Markov Model for the Term Structure of Credit Risk Spreads
- A Comparison of Stochastic Default Rate Models
- The Jarrow and Turnbull Default Risk Model - Evidence from the German Market
- Analytical Value-At-Risk with Jumps and Credit Risk
- A Generalized Framework for Credit Risk Portfolio Models
- A Simplified Method for Calculating the Credit Risk of Lending Portfolios
- Modelling of Default Risk: Mathematicals Tools
- CreditMetrics
- CreditRisk+ A Credit Risk Management Framework
- Probabilistic Aspects of Default Risk Modeling
- Credit Risk Modelling
- Calculation of Higher Moments in CreditRisk+ with Applications
- Factor Models for Portfolio Credit Risk
- Calculating Value-at-Risk Contributions in CreditRisk+
- Devil in the Parameters
- Extending the Merton Model: A Hybrid Approach to Assessing Credit Quality
- Methodological Problems of Quantitative Credit Risk Modeling in the Czech Economy
- Comparative Analysis of Alternative Credit Risk Models:
- A Hybrid Genetic-Quantitative Method for Risk-Return Optimisation of Credit Portfolios
- Credit Spread Bounds and their Implications for Credit Risk Modeling
- Risk-Neutral and Actual Default Probabilities with an Endogenous Bankruptcy Jump-Diffusion Model
- The Dependence of Recovery Rates and Defaults
- Modeling Default Risk
- Modelling of Default Risk: an Overview
- VaR and Expected Shortfall in Portfolios of Dependent Credit Risks: Conceptual and Practical Insights
- Credit Risk Modeling and Valuation: An Introduction
- Credit Portfolio Modelling, Marginal Risk Contributions, and Granularity Adjustment
- Predictions of Default Probabilities in Structural Models of Debt
- A One-Parameter Representation of Credit Risk and Transition Matrices
- Large Portfolio Losses
- Tail Behavior of Credit Loss Distributions for General Latent Factor Models
- Merton's Model, Credit Risk, and Volatility Skews
- Credit Risk Modeling With Misreporting and Incomplete Information
- Modeling Credit Risk with Partial Information
- Partial Information, Default Hazard Process, and Default-Risky Bonds
- Extreme Tails for Linear Portfolio Credit Risk Models
- Multi-Period Defaults and Maturity Effects on Economic Capital in a Ratings-Based Default-Mode Model
- Credit Risk Contributions to Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall
- Extending Credit Risk (Pricing) Models for the Simulation of Portfolios of Interest Rate and Credit Risk Sensitive Securities
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Economic Capital Requirement And Default Protection Premium
- Unifying Discrete Structural Credit Risk Models and Reduced-Form Models
- The Extended Geske-Johnson Model and Its Consistency with Reduced Form Models
- On Modelling Credit Risk Using Arbitrage Free Models
- Perpetual Convertible Bonds with Credit Risk
- Modeling the Distance-to-Default Process of a Firm
- Optimal Default Boundary in Discrete Time Models
- Taken to the Limit: Simple and Not-so-simple Loan Loss Distributions
- Probability of Loss on Loan Portfolio
- Limiting Loan Loss Probability Distribution
- Modelling Dynamic Portfolio Credit Risk
- Modeling Default Risk: A new structural approach
- A Framework for Collateral Risk Control Determination
- Calculating Credit Risk Capital Charges with the One-factor Model
- A Radial Basis Function Approach to Credit Barrier Model
- Building a Credit Risk Valuation Framework for Loan Instruments
- Interacting Defaults and Counterparty Risk: a Markovian Approach
- An Extension of the Jarrow-Lando-Turnbull Model to Random Recovery Rate
- Computation of VaR and VaR Contribution in the Vasicek Portfolio Credit Loss Model: A Comparative Study
- Modelling Credit Risk in Indian Bond Markets
- Multi-Period Corporate Failure Prediction With Stochastic Covariates
- Numerically Stable Computation of CreditRisk+
- Portfolio Losses and the Term Structure of Loss Transition Rates: A new methodology for the pricing of portfolio credit derivatives
- Currency Mismatches and Corporate Default Risk: Modeling, Measurement, and Surveillance Applications
- Forecasting Credit Portfolio Risk
- Essentials of Credit Portfolio Management
- A Structural Credit-Risk Model based on a Jump Diffusion
- Idiosyncratic Risk, Systematic Risk and Stochastic Volatility: An Implementation of Merton's Credit Risk Valuation
- The Correlation-Neutral Measure for Portfolio Credit
- Credit Risk and Macroeconomic Dynamics
- Structural Versus Reduced Form Models: A New Information Based Perspective
- A New Framework for Dynamic Credit Portfolio Loss Modeling
- A Multi-period Corporate Credit Model---An Intrinsic Valuation Approach
- Dependent Credit Migrations
- Credit Risk Models II: Structural Models
- Credit Risk Models III: Reconciliation Reduced - Structural Models
- Pricing and Hedging of Portfolio Credit Derivatives with Interacting Default Intensities
- CreditRisk+ by Fast Fourier Transform
- Replication of Defaultable Claims within the Reduced-Form Framework
- Hazard Rate for Credit Risk and Hedging Defaultable Contingent Claims
- Comonotonic Default Quote Paths for Basket Evaluation
- Analytic Loss Distributions of Heterogeneous Portfolios in the Asset Value Credit Risk Model
- A Simple Multi-Factor "Factor Adjustment" for the Treatment of Credit Capital Diversification
- A Fast Algorithm for Computing Expected Loan Portfolio Tranche Loss in the Gaussian Factor Model
- Estimating Structural Bond Pricing Models via Simulated Maximum Likelihood
- On the Equivalence of the KMV and Maximum Likelihood Methods for Structural Credit Risk Models
- Analytic Improvement of the Saddle-point Approximation and Spread Risk Attribution in a Portfolio of Tranches
- Shape Factor Models in Credit Risk
- Tail Approximation for Credit Risk Portfolios with Heavy-tailed Risk Factors
- Risk Measurement with Integrated Market and Credit Portfolio Models
- A Note on Lando's Formula and Conditional Independence
- Discrete Credit Barrier Models
- On Bias of Testing Merton's Model
- Firm Heterogeneity and Credit Risk Diversification
- Credit Risk Modelling Using Time-Changed Brownian Motion
- Estimating the Structural Credit Risk Model When Equity Prices Are Contaminated by Trading Noises
- Credit Risk Models with Incomplete Information
- A Multivariate Jump-Driven Financial Asset Model
- Assessing Credit with Equity: A CEV Model with Jump to Default
- The Skewed t Distribution for Portfolio Credit Risk
- Completeness of a Reduced-Form Credit Risk Model with Discontinuous Asset Prices
- A Queueing Network Approach to Portfolio Credit Risk
- Default Risk and Hazard Process
- Measuring Marginal Risk Contributions in Credit Portfolios
- On the Brody-Hughston-Macrina Approach to Modeling of Defaultable Term Structure
- Dependent Events and Changes of Time
- Using Hermite Expansions for Fast and Arbitrarily Accurate Computation of the Expected Loss of a Loan Portfolio Tranche in the Gaussian Factor Model
- Predictions Based on Certain Uncertainties - A Bayesian Credit Portfolio Approach
- The Multi-State Latent Factor Intensity Model for Credit Rating Transitions
- On the Applicability of Fourier Based Methods to Credit Portfolio Models with Integrated Interest Rate and Credit Spread Risk
- How Good is Merton Model at Assessing Credit Risk? Evidence from India
- A Cash Flow Based Corporate Credit Portfolio Analysis: A conditional independent default approach
- Portfolio Credit Risk with Extremal Dependence: Asymptotic Analysis and Efficient Simulation
- Quadratic Models for Portfolio Credit Risk with Shot-Noise Effects
- Double Exponential Jump Diffusion Process: A Structural Model of Endogenous Default Barrier with Roll-over Debt Structure
- Credit Risk - A structural model with jumps and correlations
- Credit Risk: Modeling and Application
- Beyond Hazard Rates: A new framework for credit-risk modeling
- Default Intensity and Expected Recovery of Japanese Banks and "Government": New Evidence from the CDS Market
- Modeling Defaultable Securities with Recovery Risk
- A Structural Model with Unobserved Default Boundary
- Modeling Credit Risk for SMEs: Evidence from the US market
- Credit Risk in a Network Economy
- Reduced Form Modelling for Credit Risk
- Jumps in Intensity Models
- Credit Risk in Pure Jump Structural Models
- Correlated Default Modeling with a Forest of Binomial Trees
- A Jump to Default Extended CEV Model: An application of Bessel processes
- Bankruptcy, Counterparty Risk, and Contagion
- Don't Fall from the Saddle: the importance of higher moments of credit loss distributions
- Higher Order Saddlepoint Approximations in the Vasicek Portfolio Credit Loss Model
- Counterparty Risk and Contingent CDS Valuation Under Correlation Between Interest-Rates and Default
- Portfolio Losses in Factor Models: Term Structures and Intertemporal Loss Dependence
- Correlation Structures of Correlated Binomial Models and Implied Default Distribution
- Modeling the Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Corporate Default and Credit Rating Transitions
- A Simple Jump to Default Model
- Valuation of Risky Debt: a Multi-Period Bayesian Framework
- Defaultable Options in a Markovian Intensity Model of Credit Risk
- Modeling Portfolio Defaults Using Hidden Markov Models with Covariates
- On the Term Structure of Loss Distributions: A forward model approach
- Dynamic Models of Portfolio Credit Risk: A Simplified Approach
- Common Poisson Shock Models: Applications to insurance and credit risk modelling
- Default Correlation, Cluster Dynamics and Single Names: The GPCL Dynamical Loss Model
- A New Structural Approach to the Default Risk of Companies
- Cross- and Autocorrelation in Multi-period Credit Portfolio Models
- An Integrated Market and Credit Risk Portfolio Model
- Analytical Methods for Hedging Systematic Credit Risk with Linear Factor Portfolios
- Two-Dimensional Markovian Model for Dynamics of Aggregate Credit Loss
- Economic Capital Assessment via Copulas: Aggregation and Allocation of Different Risk Types
- Background Filtrations and Canonical Loss Processes for Top-Down Models of Portfolio Credit Risk
- Enhancing CreditRisk+
- Review and Implementation of Credit Risk Models of the Financial Sector Assessment Program
- On Partial Defaults in Portfolio Credit Risk: Comparing economic and regulatory view
- Flexing the Default Barrier
- Computational Techniques for Basic Affine Models of Portfolio Credit Risk
- On the Parameterization of the CreditRisk+ Model for Estimating Credit Portfolio Risk
- Modeling the Distribution of Credit Losses with Observable and Latent Factors
- Convertible Bonds in a Defaultable Diffusion Model
- Dynamic Credit Portfolio Modelling in Structural Models with Jumps
- Portfolio Credit: Top Down vs. Bottom Up Approaches
- Credit Risk Modeling with Affine Processes
- Immersion Property and Credit Risk Modelling
- A Useful Result on First Passage OU Process
- Randomization in the Default Boundary Problem
- Credit Risk Assessment Considering Variations in Exposure: Application to commitment lines
- Strategic Default Jump as Impulse Control in Continuous Time
- Measuring and Marking Counterparty Risk
- A Novel Methodology for Credit Portfolio Analysis: Numerical approximation approach
- Risk Contributions of Systematic Factors in Portfolio Credit Risk Models
- The Distribution of Loan Portfolio Value
- Modeling the Loss Distribution
- Inverse CIR and Semi-Affine Intensity-based Modeling on Credit Risk
- In Search of Hybrid Models for Credit Risk: from Leland-Toft to Carr-Linetsky
- A Note on Fitting Markov Operator Credit Risk Models
- Dynamic Default Rates
- Extracting Systematic Factors in a Continuous-time Credit Migration Model
- Portfolio Credit Risk: A model of correlated credit losses dynamics and the inverse-gamma approximation
- Specification Analysis of Structural Credit Risk Models
- Up and Down Credit Risk
- Climbing Down from the Top: Single name dynamics in credit top down models
- A Dynamic Correlation Modelling Framework with Consistent Stochastic Recovery
- Counterparty Valuation Adjustment (CVA)
- Measuring Portfolio Credit Risk Correctly: Why parameter uncertainty matters
- Rating Philosophy and Dynamic Properties of Internal Rating Systems: A general framework and an application to backtesting
- Haar Wavelets-Based Approach for Quantifying Credit Portfolio Losses
- What Happens After a Default: A conditional density approach
- Range of Practices and Issues in Economic Capital Frameworks
- Bankruptcy Codes, Liquidation Timing, and Debt Valuation
- Analytical Credit VaR with Stochastic Probabilities of Default and Recoveries
- Assessing Portfolio Credit Risk Changes in a Sample of EU Large and Complex Banking Groups in Reaction to Macroeconomic Shocks
- Credit Migration Risk Modelling
- A Credit Risk Model Incorporating Microstructural Dependencies and Stochastic Recovery
- How to Gauge the Default Risk? An empirical application of structural-form models
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- Models
- Papers about Credit Derivatives and Credit Sales
- Papers about Colateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs)
- Papers about Credit: (Correlations / Portfolio Effects / Diversification)
- Papers about Recovery Rates / Loss Given Default
- Why is Bank Debt Senior? A Theory of Asymmetry and Claim Priority Based on Influence Costs
- Absolute Priority Rule Violations, Credit Rationing, and Efficiency
- Absolute Priority Rule Violations in Bankruptcy
- Do Airlines in Chapter 11 Harm Their Rivals?: Bankruptcy and Pricing Behavior in U.S. Airline Markets
- Recovering Your Money: Insights Into Losses From Defaults
- Recovery Ratios and Survival Times for Corporate Bonds
- A Model for Estimating Recovery Rates and Collateral Haircuts for Bank Loans
- Market Dynamics and Investment Performance of Distressed and Defaulted Debt Securities
- Bankruptcy Auctions: Costs, Debt Recovery, and Firm Survival
- Collateral, Renegotiation and the Value of Diffusely Held Debt
- The Importance of Bank Seniority for Relationship Lending
- Regimes, Recoveries and Loan Ratings: the importance of insolvency legislation
- Recovery Trends: Any Usefulness Whatsoever?
- Valuation of Bankrupt Firms
- Do Economic Downturns Have an Impact on the Loss Given Default of Mobile Lease Contracts? An Empirical Study for the German Leasing Market
- Bank Loan Loss Given Default
- On Recovery And Intensity Correlation: A new class of credit risk models
- Choosing the Discount Factor for Estimating Economic LGD
- Debtor-in-possession financing: Size does matter
- An Empirical Analysis of Bond Recovery Rates: Exploring A Structural View of Default
- Measuring Loss on Latin American Defaulted Bank Loans: A 27-Year Study of 27 Countries
- Recovery Rates: The Search for Meaning
- Pricing the Risk of Recovery in Default with APR Violation
- Suddenly Structure Mattered: Insights into Recoveries of Defaulted Debt
- Crisis Dynamics of Implied Default Recovery Ratios: Evidence from Russia and Argentina
- The Paradox of Priority
- Depressing Recoveries
- Analyzing and Explaining Default Recovery Rates
- The Resolution of Financial Distress
- LossCalc: Moody's Model for Predicting Loss Given Default (version 1)
- Understanding the Role of Recovery in Default Risk Models: Empirical Comparisons and Implied Recovery Rates
- Debt Recoveries for Corporate Bankruptcies
- Bankrupt Bank Loan Recoveries
- Defaulted Bank Loan Recoveries
- The Link between Default and Recovery Rates: Theory, Empirical Evidence and Implications
- Secured Creditor Recovery Rates from Management Buy-outs in Distress
- Recovery of Face Value at Default: Empirical evidence and implications for credit risk pricing
- Recovery Rates in the Leasing Industry
- The Risk-Adjusted Cost of Financial Distress
- What Do We Know About Loss-Given-Default?
- Recovery Rates from Distressed Debt - Empirical Evidence from Chapter 11 Filings, International Litigation, and Recent Sovereign Debt Restructurings
- Does Industry-wide Distress Affect Defaulted Firms? - Evidence from Creditor Recoveries
- Is Bargaining in Chapter 11 Costly?
- An analysis of bankruptcy bargaining in the U.S.
- Optimal Stochastic Recovery for Base Correlation
- The Choice Among Traditional Chapter 11, Prepackaged Bankruptcy, and Out-of-Court Restructuring
- Loss Given Default Modelling under the Asymptotic Single Risk Factor Assumption
- Resolving Financial Distress by way of a Contract: an Empirical Study of Small UK Companies
- Double Impact: Credit Risk Assessment and Collateral Value
- Structural Recovery of Face Value at Default
- The Costs of Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 Cash Auctions vs. Chapter 11 Bargaining
- The Firm's Reorganization Decision: Empirical Evidence from Canada
- Default Recovery Rates and LGD in Credit Risk Modeling and Practice: An Updated Review of the Literature and Empirical Evidence
- Systematic Risk in Recovery Rates - An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Corporate Credit Exposures
- Bankruptcy Resolution in Japan: Corporate Reorganization vs. Civil Rehabilitation
- Do Bankruptcy Codes Matter? A Study of Defaults in France, Germany, and the U.K.
- The Single Risk Factor Approach to Capital Charges in Case of Correlated Loss Given Default Rates
- Reputation and the Market for Distressed Firm Debt
- Corporate Bankruptcy Reorganizations: Estimates from a Bargaining Model
- Measuring LGD on Commercial Loans: An 18-Year Internal Study
- Theory and Evidence On the Resolution of Financial Distress
- Multiple Lenders and Corporate Distress: Evidence on debt restructuring
- LossCalc v2: Dynamic Prediction of LGD
- Credit Risk, Default Loss, and the Economics of Bankruptcy
- A Note on Forecasting Aggregate Recovery Rates with Macroeconomic Variables
- The Direct Costs of Corporate Reorganization: An Empirical Examination of Professional Fees in Large Chapter 11 Cases
- Modeling the Recovery Rate in a Reduced Form Model
- Recovery Rates of Bank Loans: Empirical Evidence for Germany
- Advancing Loss Given Default Prediction Models: How the quiet have quickened
- Band Loan Losses-Given-Default: A case study
- Recovery Rates, Default Probabilities and the Credit Cycle
- Modeling the Term Structure of Defaultable Bonds under Recovery Risk
- Implied Recovery
- Separating the Components of Default Risk: A Derivative-Based Approach (Job Market Paper)
- Credit Information from Equity Option Prices
- Recovery Ratings: Exposing the Components of Credit Risk
- Recovery Ratings Reveal Diverse Expectations for Loss in the Event of Default
- A Multifactor Approach for Systematic Default and Recovery Risk
- The Economic Role of Jumps and Recovery Rates in the Market for Corporate Default Risk
- (Non) consistency of the Beta Kernel Estimator for Recovery Rate Distribution
- Joint Estimation of Default and Recovery Risk: A Simulation Study
- How Much of a Haircut? Options-based structural modeling of defaulted bond recovery rates
- Discount Rate for Workout Recoveries: An empirical study
- Bank Loan-Loss Provisioning: Methodology and Application
- Loss Given Default Implied by Cross-sectional No Arbitrage (Job Market Paper)
- Generalized Beta Regression Models for Random Loss-Given-Default
- Bank Loan and Bond Recovery Study: 1997-2000
- Implied Market Loss Given Default in the Czech Republic: Structural-model approach
- Forecasting Bank Loans Loss-given-default
- Recoveries
- Papers about Credit Regulation: (Discussions / Pronouncements)
- Papers about Testing Credit Risk Models
- Papers about Credit Scoring
- Sovereign Risk
- Papers about Liquidity Risk
- A Simple Model of Liquidity Effects
- Modeling Liquidity Risk: With Implications for Traditional Market Risk Measurement and Management
- Trading Turnover and Expected Stock Returns: The Trading Frequency Hypothesis and Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange
- The Effects of Market Segmentation and Illiquidity on Asset PricesThe Effects of Market Segmentation and Illiquidity on Asset Prices
- Liquidity in U.S. Fixed Income Markets: A comparison of the bid-ask spread in corporate, government and municipal bond markets
- Liquidating Illiquid Collateral (Job Market Paper)
- Liquidity as a Choice Variable: A Lesson from the Japanese Government Bond Market
- Commonality in Liquidity
- Risk Aversion, Liquidity, and Endogenous Short Horizons
- Order Imbalance, Liquidity, and Market Returns
- Liquidity Dynamics Across Small and Large Firms
- Liquidity and Credit Risk
- Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity
- Estimating Expected Losses and Liquidity Discounts Implicit in Debt Prices
- Measuring Treasury Market Liquidity
- Asset Liquidity, Debt Valuation and Credit Risk
- Can liquidity risk be subsumed in credit risk?
- Liquidity Shocks and Equilibrium Liquidity Premia
- Liquidation Risk
- Comparing Possible Proxies of Corporate Bond Liquidity
- Credit Ratings and Stock Liquidity
- Asset Pricing with Liquidity Risk
- Liquidity Black Holes
- Corporate Yield Spreads: Default Risk or Liquidity? New Evidence from the Credit-Default Swap Market
- Corporate Yield Spreads and Bond Liquidity
- Insolvency or Liquidity Squeeze? Explaining Very Short-Term Corporate Yield Spreads
- Demand Discovery and Asset Pricing
- Liquidity Risk and Expected Stock Returns
- Liquidity Risk and Arbitrage Pricing Theory
- A Model of Corporate Bond Pricing with Liquidity and Marketability Risk
- A Solvency Based Multi-period Corporate Short-term Credit Risk Model
- Multi-period Corporate Short-term Credit Risk Assessment: A state-dependent stochastic liquidity balance model
- Liquidity Risk Premia in Corporate Bond Markets
- Liquidity, Default, Taxes and Yields on Municipal Bonds
- The interrelation of Liquidity Risk, Default Risk, and Equity Returns
- How Do Banks Manage Liquidity Risk? Evidence from the equity and deposit markets in the Fall of 1998
- Liquidity Risk in the Corporate Bond Markets
- Clientele Change, Liquidity Shock, and the Return on Financially Distressed Stocks
- Dynamic Interactions Between Interest Rate, Credit, and Liquidity Risks
- Excess Volatility of Corporate Bonds
- Limited Arbitrage and Liquidity in the Market for Credit Risk
- Latent Liquidity: A new measure of liquidity, with an application to corporate bonds
- Hedging Credit: Equity liquidity matters
- Do Central Bank Liquidity Facilities Affect Interbank Lending Rates?
- Liquidity and Credit Default Swap Spreads
- Cash Holdings and Credit Risk
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- Liquidity
- Computer Codes
- Quant. Methods
- Papers About Other Credit Risk Research
- Analyzing Alternative Intraday Credit Policies in Real-Time Gross Settlement Systems
- Information Systems for Risk Management
- Toward a Better Estimation of Wrong-Way Credit Exposure
- Capital Allocation and Bank Management Based on the Quantification of Credit Risk
- Parameterizing Credit Risk Models with Rating Data
- The Role of Support and Joint Probability Analysis in Bank Ratings
- The Equity Performance of Firms Emerging from Bankruptcy
- Improving Counterparty Risk Management Practices
- The Evolution and Determinants of Emerging Market Credit Spreads in the 1990s
- Improving Grid-Based Methods for Estimating Value at Risk of Fixed-Income Portfolios
- Risk and Valuation of Collateralized Debt Obligations
- The Timing of Debt Issuance and Rating Migrations: Theory and Evidence
- Are Bank Ratings Coherent with Bank Default Probabilities in Emerging Market Economies?
- Wrong Way Exposure-Are Firms Underestimating Their Credit Risk?
- Modeling Credit Migration
- Default and Recovery Rates of Corporate Bond Issuers: 2000
- Pricing and Hedging in the Presence of Extraneous Risks
- The Nature of Credit Risk: the effect of maturity, type of obligor, and country of domicile
- Credit Risk and Risk Neutral Default Probabilities: Information About Rating Migrations and Defaults
- A Multi-Factor, Markov Chain Model for Credit Migrations and Credit Spreads
- Credit Portfolio Risk and PD Confidence Sets through the Business Cycle
- Mean-Variance Hedging of Defaultable Claims
- "Surprise" in Distress Announcements: Evidence from Equity and Bond Markets
- The Credit Risk of Japanese Banks during the Bubble Period: A Pilot Study of Macro Stress Simulation
- Forced Selling of Fallen Angels
- Portfolio Optimization with a Defaultable Security
- Accounting Fraud and the Pricing of Corporate Liabilities: Structural models with garbling
- The Pricing Implications of Counterparty Risk for Non-linear Credit Products
- Understanding Aggregate Default Rates of High Yield Bonds
- Debtor-in-possession Financing and Bankruptcy Resolution: Empirical Evidence
- Default- and Call-Adjusted Duration for Corporate Bonds
- Affine Markov Chain Model of Multifirm Credit Migration
- Should Banks Be Diversified? Evidence from Individual Bank Loan Portfolio
- Measuring Provisions for Collateralised Retail Lending
- Better Predictions of Income Volatility Using a Structural Default Model
- A General Approach to Integrated Risk Management with Skewed, Fat-tailed Risks
- Of Moody's and Merton: a structural model of bond rating transitions
- 1986-2002 Credit Risk Loss Experience Study: Private Placement Bonds
- Capital Allocation for Credit Portfolios with Kernel Estimators
- Default Risk in Equity Returns
- A Survey of Cyclical Effects in Credit Risk Measurement Models
- The Cost of Distress: Survival, Truncation Risk and Valuation
- Bank Lending Policy, Credit Scoring and Value at Risk
- Estimating Continuous Time Transition Matrices From Discretely Observed Data
- The Influence of FX Risk on Credit Spreads
- Integrating Market Risk and Credit Risk: A Dynamic Asset Allocation Perspective (Job Market Paper)
- Simulating Historical Ratings Transition Matrices for Credit Risk Analysis in Mathematica
- Estimation in the Continuous Time Mover-stayer Model with an Application to Bond Ratings Migration
- Ratings Versus Market-based Measures of Default Risk in Portfolio Governance
- Capital Structure and Asset Prices: Some Effects of Bankruptcy Procedures
- Equity Returns Following Changes in Default Risk: New insights into the informational content of credit ratings
- Arbitrage Pricing of Defaultable Game Options with Applications to Convertible Bonds
- Inferring the Default Rate in a Population by Comparing Two Incomplete Default Databases
- Is Banks' Cost of Equity Capital Different Across Countries? Evidence from the G10 Countries Major Banks
- A Model of Credit Risk Optimal Policies, and Asset Prices
- An Examination of Rating Agencies' Actions Around the Investment-Grade Boundary
- Risk Management, Capital Structure and Lending at Banks
- Variance-Covariance Based Risk Allocation in Credit Portfolios: Analytical approximation
- Optimal Credit Limit Management Under Different Information Regimes
- The Relationship Between Default Prediction and Lending Profits: Integrating ROC analysis and loan pricing
- Spectral Risk Measures for Credit Portfolios
- What is a More Powerful Model Worth?
- An Analytic Approach to Rating Transitions
- Tail Approximations for Portfolio Credit Risk
- The Informational Content and Accuracy of Implied Asset Volatility as a Measure of Total Firm Risk
- Internal Ratings Systems, Implied Credit Risk and the Consistency of Banks' Risk Classification Policies
- Importance Sampling for a Mixed Poisson Model of Portfolio Credit Risk
- Loan Equivalents for Revolving Credits and Advised Lines
- Measuring Default Risk Premia from Default Swap Rates and EDFs
- Structural Models of Credit Risk are Useful: Evidence from Hedge Ratios on Corporate Bonds
- The Future of Securitization
- Value at Risk Bounds for Portfolios of Non-normal Returns
- Informational Efficiency of Loans Versus Bonds: Evidence from Secondary Market Prices
- Bond Durations: Corporates vs. Treasuries
- Time to Change - Rating Changes and Policy Implications
- Stock Market Performance and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads
- A Simple Model for Credit Migration and Spread Curves
- Optimal Bank Capital with Costly Recapitalization
- Default Risk, Bankruptcy Procedures and the Market Value of Life Insurance Liabilities
- Market Dynamics Associated with Credit Ratings: A Literature Review
- Measurement, Estimation and Comparison of Credit Migration Matrices
- Ownership Links, Leverage and Credit Risk
- Pricing and Hedging of Contingent Credit Lines
- An Internal Ratings Migration Study
- Structural Models in Consumer Credit
- The Organization of Credit Risk Management in Banks: Hard versus Soft Information
- Accounting Quality and Debt Contracting
- Market Completeness in the Presence of Default Risk
- The Anatomy of the High Yield Bond Market
- Analysis of Length of Time Spent in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
- Regularization Algorithms for Transition Matrices
- An Integrated Model for Hybrid Securities
- Pricing Vulnerable Black-Scholes Options with Dynamic Default Barriers
- Avoiding the Rating Bounce: Why rating agencies are slow to react to new information
- Inflation Uncertainty, Asset Valuations, and Five Credit Risk Puzzles
- Forecasting Extreme Financial Risk
- How Ratings Agencies Achieve Rating Stability
- Spectral Capital Allocation
- What Do We Know about Capital Structure? Some Evidence from International Data
- Non-Linear Effects of Bond Rating Changes
- Interaction of Market and Credit Risk: An analysis of inter-risk correlation and risk aggregation
- Implied Migration Rates from Credit Barrier Models
- A Formula for Interest Rate Swaps Valuation under Counterparty Risk in presence of Netting Agreements
- Risk Contributions in an Asymptotic Multi-Factor Framework
- How to Invest Optimally in Corporate Bonds: A reduced-form approach
- Confidence Intervals for Probabilities of Default
- Credit Rating Dynamics and Markov Mixture Models
- Importance Sampling for Integrated Market and Credit Portfolio Models
- Measuring the Risk of Large Losses
- Hedging under the Heston Model with Jump-to-Default
- Optimal Debt and Equity Values in the Presence of Chapter 7 and Chapter 11
- A Conditional Valuation Approach for Path-Dependent Instruments
- Efficient Monte Carlo Methods for Convex Risk Measures in Portfolio Credit Risk Models
- Predicting the Credit Cycle with an Autoregressive Model
- Default Risk, Shareholder Advantage and Stock Returns
- Tightening Credit Standards: The Role of Accounting Quality
- Implications of Correlated Default For Portfolio Allocation to Corporate Bonds
- Global Business Cycles and Credit Risk
- Time Series Properties of a Rating System based on Financial Ratios
- Bank Lines of Credit in Corporate Finance: An Empirical Analysis
- Heterogeneity in Ratings Migration
- The Effects of Rating through the Cycle on Rating Stability, Rating Timeliness and Default Prediction Performance
- Capital Structure, Credit Risk, and Macroeconomic Conditions
- Economic Benefit of Powerful Credit Scoring
- Fitch Ratings Global Corporate Finance 1990-2005 Transition and Default Study
- Nonparametric Estimation for Non-homogeneous semi-Markov Processes: An application to credit risk
- Risk and Return in Fixed Income Arbitrage: Nickels in front of a steamroller?
- Applying Credit Risk Models to Deposit Insurance Pricing: Empirical evidence from the Italian banking system
- After VaR: The Theory, Estimation, and Insurance Applications of Quantile-based Risk Measures
- Are Corporates' Target Leverage Ratios Time-Dependent?
- Default Episodes in the 90s: Factbook and Preliminary Lessons
- Reducing Asset Weights' Volatility by Importance Sampling in Stochastic Credit Portfolio Optimization
- International Structured Finance Rating Comparability Survey
- The Costs of Financial Distress across Industries
- Valuation of Capital Structure using Simulation Techniques
- An Efficient Monte Carlo Method for a Large and Nongranular Credit Portfolio
- Fitch Ratings 1991-2007 Global Structured Finance Transition and Default Study
- Calibration of PD Term Structures: To be Markov or not to be
- Graphical Data Representation in Bankruptcy Analysis
- Optimal Investment in a Defaultable Bond
- Rating Philosophies: Some Clarifications
- Bayesian Inference for Issuer Heterogeneity in Credit Ratings Migration
- Leverage, Options Liabilities and Corporate Bond Pricing
- Capital Allocation for Portfolio Credit Risk
- Apples and Pears: The comparison of risk capital and required return in financial institutions
- An Information-Based Framework for Asset Pricing: X-Factor Theory and its Applications
- Mathematics in Financial Risk Management
- Calibrating Low-Default Portfolios, using the Cumulative Accuracy Profile
- Default Estimation for Low Default Portfolios
- How Much Credit in Credit Risk Models?
- Capital Structure Arbitrage: Model choice and volatility calibration
- Default Risk Premia and Asset Returns
- Fitch CDS Implied Ratings (CDS-IR) Model
- Predicting Agency Rating Movements with Spread Implied Ratings
- The Performance of Credit Rating Systems in the Assessment of Collateral Used in Eurosystem Monetary Policy Operations
- The Rating Process
- What Credit Ratings Mean
- Bank Behavior with Access to Credit Risk Transfer Markets
- Capital Allocation to Business Units and Sub-Portfolios: The Euler principle
- Distribution-Invariant Risk Measures, Entropy, and Large Deviations
- Laying off Credit Risk: Loan Sales versus Credit Default Swaps
- Compound Scenarios: An efficient framework for integrated market-credit risk
- Modelling the Economic Value of Credit Rating Systems
- Linking Credit Risk Premia to the Equity Premium
- Dynamic Credit Portfolio Management: Linking credit risk systems, securitization and standardised credit indices
- Why Do Firms Pay for Bond Ratings When They Can Get Them for Free? (Job Market Paper)
- Do Unsolicited Ratings Contain a Strategic Rating Component? Evidence from S&P
- Affine Processes and Applications in Finance
- The Cyclical Behavior of Default and Recovery Rates
- Testing Homogeneity of Time-Continuous Rating Transitions
- The Credit Crunch of 2007: What went wrong? Why? What lessons can be learned?
- Rating Watchlists and the Informational Content of Rating Changes
- Can Rating Agencies Look Through the Cycle?
- Optimal Reinsurance Arrangements Under Tail Risk Measures
- A Likelihood Ratio Test for Stationarity of Rating Transitions
- Optimal Investment with Counterparty Risk: A default-density modeling approach
- Does a Central Clearing Counterparty Reduce Counterparty Risk?
- Wavelet Analysis of Business Cycles for Validation of Probability of Default: What is the influence of the current credit crisis on model validation?
- pp_other179
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- Other Abstracts
- The Priority Structure of Corporate Liabilities
- Stochastic Equity Volatility Related to the Leverage Effect
- Analyzing Rating Transitions and Rating Drift with Continuous Observations
- Multiple Ratings and Credit Standards: Differences of Opinion in the Credit Rating Industry
- Corporate Debt Value, Bond Covenants, and Optimal Capital Structure
- Optimal Capital Structure, Endogenous Bankruptcy, and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads
- A Theory of Workouts and the Effects of Reorganization Law
- The Effect of Bankruptcy Protection on Investment: Chapter 11 as a Screening Device
- Default Risk and the Duration of Zero Coupon Bonds
- Transactions Costs and Capital Structure Choice: Evidence from Financially Distressed Firms
- Bank Information Monopolies and the Mix of Private and Public Debt Claims
- The Loan Commitment as an Optimal Financing Contract
- Estimating the Likelihood of Mexican Default from the Market Prices of Brady Bonds
- Optimal Maturity Structure with Multiple Debt Claims
- Assessing Credit Risk in a Financial Institution's Off-Balance Sheet Commitments
- Asymmetric Information, Collateral, and Moral Hazard
- Credit Risk in Private Debt Portfolios
- The Declining Credit Quality of U.S. Corporate Debt: Myth or Reality?
- Asset Efficiency and Reallocation Decisions of Bankrupt Firms
- Is the Risk of Bankruptcy a Systematic Risk?
- Differences of Opinion and Selection Bias in the Credit Rating Industry
- Split Ratings and the Pricing of Credit Risk
- The Role of Subordination and Industrial Bond Ratings
- A Multivariate Analysis of Industrial Bond Ratings
- How Profitable Is Capital Structure Arbitrage?
- The Analytic Pricing of Asymmetric Defaultable Swaps
- Original Issue High Yield Bond: Aging Analyses of Defaults, Exchanges, and Calls
- The Credit Rating Industry
- A Multidimensional Framework for Risk Analysis"
- Bayesian Analysis of Duration Models: An Application to Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
- A Structural Analysis of Credit Risk with Risky Collateral: A methodology for haircut determination
- Control of Credit Risk Collateralization Using Quasi-Variational Inequalities
- Diversification and Risk in Banking: Evidence from Ex Post Returns
- The Estimation of Transition Matrices for Sovereign Credit Ratings
- Non-Parametric Analysis of Rating Transition and Default Data
- Confidence Sets for Continuous-time Rating Transition Probabilities
- On the Consistency of Ratings and Bond Market Yields
- An Introduction to Recent Research on Credit Ratings
- Relative Default Rates on Corporate Loans and Bonds
- Confidence Intervals for the Probability of Insolvency in the Insurance Industry
- Optimal Capital Structure and Endogenous Default
- Life Insurance Liabilities at Market Value: An analysis of insolvency risk, bonus policy, and regulatory intervention rules in a barrier option framework
- How Costly is Financial (not Economic) Distress? Evidence from Highly Leveraged Transactions that Became Distressed
- Modeling Expected Return on Defaultable Bonds
- The Relationship Between Issuance Spreads and Credit Performance of Structured Finance Securities
- Credit Risk Assessment: A challenge for financial institutions
- Valuing the Futures Market Clearinghouse's Default Exposure during the 1987 Crash
- Finding Generators for Markov Chains via Empirical Transition Matrices with Applications to Credit Ratings
- Determinants of the Choice of Bankruptcy Procedure in Japan
- Credit Cycles and Macro Fundamentals
- Quantile Forecasting for Credit Risk Management Using Possibly Mis-specified Hidden Markov Models
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