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Dilip B. Madan
University of Maryland at College Park -- Department of Finance Robert H. Smith School of Business 4409 Van Munching Hall College Park, MD 20742 USA - Ph.D. in Economics (1971), University of Maryland and Ph.D. in Mathematics (1975), University of Maryland
- Dilip Madan is Professor of Finance at the Robert H. Smith School of Business. He specializes in Mathematical Finance. He also serves as a consultant to Morgan Stanley, Caspian Capital LLC, and the FDIC. He is a founding member and immediate Past President of the Bachelier Finance Society, Co-Editor of Mathematical Finance and Associate Editor for the Journal of Credit Risk and Quantitative Finance. His work is dedicated to improving the quality of financial valuation models, enhancing the performance of investment strategies, and advancing the understanding and operation of efficient risk allocation in modern economies. Recent major contributions have appeared in Mathematical Finance, Finance and Stochastics, Quantitative Finance, Journal of Computational Finance, among other Journals.
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Publications: that are posted on DefaultRisk.com Credit Pricing Investigating the Role of Systematic and Firm-Specific Factors in Default Risk: Lessons from empirically evaluating credit risk models by Gurdip Bakshi of the University of Maryland, Dilip Madan of the University of Maryland, and Frank Xiaoling Zhang of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (179K PDF) -- 33 pages -- July 2006 A Two-Factor Hazard-Rate Model for Pricing Risky Debt and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads by Dilip Madan of the University of Maryland, and Haluk Unal of the University of Maryland (401K PDF) -- 31 pages -- November 23, 1999 Madan, Dilip B. and Haluk Unal, " Pricing the Risks of Default", Review of Derivatives Research, (December 1998), Vol. 2, No. 2-3, pp 121-160. Collateralized Debt Obligations Break on Through to the Single Side by Dilip Madan of the University of Maryland, and Wim Schoutens of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (163K PDF) -- 20 pages -- July 26, 2007 Recovery Rates Understanding the Role of Recovery in Default Risk Models: Empirical Comparisons and Implied Recovery Rates by Gurdip Bakshi of the University of Maryland, Dilip Madan of the University of Maryland, and Frank Zhang of the Morgan Stanley (875K PDF) -- 33 pages -- September 6, 2006 Pricing the Risk of Recovery in Default with Absolute Priority Rule Violation by Haluk Unal of the University of Maryland, Dilip Madan of the University of Maryland, and Levent Güntay of the University of Maryland (200K PDF) -- 32 pages -- August 3, 2001 Books & Book Chapters: [Home] [Credit Researchers] [Top Ten Most Prolific] [Top Ten Most Popular]