MSC Code | Paper Count | Description of AMS Classification |
20C20 | 1 | Modular representations and characters |
20E28 | Maximal subgroups |
20G40 | Linear algebraic groups over finite fields |
28A35 | 1 | Measures and integrals in product spaces |
34E10 | 1 | Perturbations, asymptotics |
34E13 | Multiple scale methods |
35K20 | Initial-boundary value problems for second-order parabolic equations |
41A35 | 1 | Approximation by operators (in particular, by integral operators) |
47B65 | 1 | Positive operators and order-bounded operators |
49Q20 | 1 | Variational problems in a geometric measure-theoretic setting |
60-08 | 3 | Computational methods (not classified at a more specific level) |
60B10 | 2 | Convergence of probability measures |
60E05 | 5 | Distributions: general theory |
60E07 | 1 | Infinitely divisible distributions; stable distributions |
60E10 | 4 | Characteristic functions; other transforms |
60E15 | 6 | Inequalities; stochastic orderings |
60F05 | 4 | Central limit and other weak theorems |
60F10 | 5 | Large deviations |
60F17 | 1 | Functional limit theorems; invariance principles |
60G09 | 3 | Exchangeability |
60G35 | 7 | Signal detection and filtering |
60G40 | 7 | Stopping times; optimal stopping problems; gambling theory |
60G44 | 6 | Martingales with continuous parameter |
60G46 | 3 | Martingales and classical analysis |
60G51 | 6 | Processes with independent increments; Lévy processes |
60G55 | 2 | Point Processes |
60G70 | 3 | Extreme value theory; extremal processes |
60H05 | 1 | Stochastic integrals |
60H10 | 13 | Stochastic ordinary differential equations |
60H15 | 1 | Stochastic partial differential equations |
60H20 | 3 | Stochastic integral equations |
60H30 | 6 | Applications of stochastic analysis (to PDE, etc.) |
60H35 | 1 | Computational methods for stochastic equations |
60H60 | 1 | Is this code real? |
60J20 | 1 | Applications of Markov chains and discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces |
60J22 | 5 | Computational methods in Markov chains |
60J25 | 2 | Continuous-time Markov processes on general state spaces |
60J27 | 3 | Continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces |
60J35 | 1 | Transition functions, generators and resolvents |
60J50 | 1 | Boundary theory |
60J60 | 13 | Diffusion processes |
60J65 | 1 | Brownian motion |
60J75 | 26 | Jump processes |
60J99 | 1 | Markov Processes not otherwise classified |
60K35 | 1 | Interacting random processes; statistical mechanics type models; percolation theory |
62B10 | 1 | Information-theoretic topics |
62D05 | 1 | Sampling theory, sample surveys |
62E15 | 1 | Exact distribution theory |
62E17 | 1 | Approximations to distributions (nonasymptotic) |
62E20 | 3 | Asymptotic distribution theory |
62E25 | 1 | Is this code real? |
62Fxx | 1 | Parametric Inference |
62F10 | 1 | Point estimation |
62F12 | 1 | Asymptotic properties of estimators |
62G05 | 1 | Estimation |
62G07 | 1 | Density estimation |
62G32 | 3 | Statistics of extreme values; tail inference |
62H05 | 1 | Characterization and structure theory |
62H11 | 1 | Directional data; spatial statistics |
62H12 | 2 | Estimation |
62H20 | 15 | Measures of association (correlation, canonical correlation, etc.) |
62H99 | 2 | Multivariate analysis (not otherwise listed) |
62J02 | 1 | General Nonlinear Regression |
62L15 | 2 | Optimal stopping |
62M10 | 1 | Time series, Auto-correlation, Regression, etc. |
62M20 | 2 | Prediction |
62N02 | 1 | Estimation |
62P05 | 14 | Applications to actuarial sciences and financial mathematics |
65C05 | 6 | Monte Carlo methods |
65C20 | 8 | Models, numerical methods |
65C30 | 1 | Stochastic differential and integral equations |
65C60 | 1 | Computational problems in statistics |
65D30 | 1 | Numerical integration |
68U20 | 2 | Simulation |
68W25 | 2 | Approximation algorithms |
90-08 | 2 | Computational methods (for Operations research) |
90A09 | 9 | Finance, portfolios, investment (1991 MSC) |
90B25 | 1 | Reliability, availability, maintenance, inspection |
90C05 | 1 | Linear programming |
90C47 | 1 | Minimax problems |
91-08 | 1 | Computational methods (for Game Theory & social sciences) |
91A15 | 1 | Stochastic games |
91A28 | 1 | Signaling, communication |
91B16 | 2 | Utility theory |
91B24 | 2 | Price theory and market structure |
91B25 | 7 | Asset pricing models |
91B26 | 1 | Market models (auctions, bargaining, bidding, selling, etc.) |
91B28 | 30 | Finance, portfolios, investment |
91B29 | 2 | Is this code real? |
91B30 | 10 | Risk theory, insurance |
91B32 | 1 | Resource and cost allocation |
91B38 | 1 | Production theory, theory of the firm |
91B70 | 38 | Stochastic models |
91B82 | 2 | Statistical methods; economic indices and measures |
91G10 | 1 | Portfolio theory |
91G20 | 5 | Clustering |
91G40 | 31 | Credit risk |
91G70 | 4 | Statistical methods, econometrics |
93E20 | 4 | Optimal stochastic control |
97M30 | 1 | Financial and insurance mathematics |