| | AMS Classification 90A09 "Finance, portfolios, investment (1991 MSC)"These are all the papers that have the " 90A09 " classification. Note that not all authors/journals assign MSC codes. (sorted by date) CDS Pricing under Basel III: Capital relief and default protection by Chris Kenyon of Lloyds Banking Group, and Andrew Green of Lloyds Banking Group (812K PDF) -- 16 pages -- November 22, 2012 Coherent Asset Allocation and Diversification in the Presence of Stress Events by Riccardo Rebonato of the Oxford University, and Alexander Denev of the Oxford University (251K PDF) -- 26 pages -- April 27, 2011 Huang, Xinzheng, Cornelis W. Oosterlee, "Adaptive Integration for Multi-factor Portfolio Credit Loss Models", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 231, No. 2, (September 2009), pp. 506-516. A General Framework for Pricing Credit Risk by Alain Bélanger of Scotia Capital, Steven E. Shreve of Carnegie Mellon University, and Dennis Wong of Bank of America Corporation (313K PDF) -- 40 pages -- April 16, 2003 Embrechts, Paul, Andrea Höing, and Alessandro Juri, "Using Copulae to Bound the Value-at-Risk for Functions of Dependent Risks", Finance and Stochastics, Vol. 7, No. 2, (April 2003), 145-167. Affine Processes and Applications in Finance by Darrell Duffie of Stanford University, Damir Filipović of Princeton University, and Walter Schachermayer of the Vienna University of Technology (492K PDF) -- 59 pages -- September 24, 2002 Extending Credit Risk (Pricing) Models for the Simulation of Portfolios of Interest Rate and Credit Risk Sensitive Securities by Norbert Jobst of the University of Cyprus & Brunel University, and Stavros A. Zenios of the University of Cyprus & University of Pennsylvania (599K PDF) -- 35 pages -- July 2001 Analytical Value-At-Risk with Jumps and Credit Risk by Darrell Duffie of Stanford University, and Jun Pan of Stanford University (379K PDF) -- 27 pages -- November 29, 1999 Darrel, Duffie, Mark Schroder, and Costis Skiadas, " Recursive Valuation of Defaultable Securities and the Timing of Resolution of Uncertainty", Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 6, No. 4, (November 1996), pp. 1075-1090.
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