| Using the Censored Gamma Distribution for Modeling Fractional Response Variables with an Application to Loss Given Default by Fabio Sigrist of ETH Zürich, and May 30, 2012 Abstract: Regression models for limited continuous dependent variables having a non-negligible probability of attaining exactly their limits are presented. The models differ in the number of parameters and in their flexibility. Fractional data being a special case of limited dependent data, the models also apply to variables that are a fraction or a proportion. It is shown how to fit these models and they are applied to a Loss Given Default dataset from insurance to which they provide a good fit. JEL Classification: C10, C24, C50, G20, G22. Keywords: Fractional response variables, censored distributions, Tobit models, limited dependent variables, Loss Given Default. Published in: Censored Gamma Regression Models for Limited Dependent Variables with an Application to Loss Given Default Previously titled: Censored Gamma Regression Models for Limited Dependent Variables with an Application to Loss Given Default Books Referenced in this paper: (what is this?) Download paper (654K PDF) 39 pages Most Cited Books within Recoveries/LGD Papers [ |