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Thorsten Schmidt
Technische Universität Chemnitz Chair of Financial Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics Reichenhainer St. 41, Room 725 09126 Chemnitz, DE - Justus-Liebig University, Gießen, Ph.D. (Mathematics -- 2003)
- Prof. Schmidt teaches Financial Mathematics at Chemnitz University of Technology. He has a strong background in statistics and probability theory and is currently working on credit risk and interest rates markets. In particular he focuses on Heath-Jarrow-Morton approaches for credit risk and CDO modelling as well as the role of incomplete information in credit risk.
- Beyond this, Prof. Schmidt works on statistical aspects of energy markets and biomarker data and the application of shot-noise models to various markets.
Contact: | | Email address secured by Enkoder. | Phone | +49 371 531-3762 9 | Fax | +49 371 531-2240 9 | e-mail |
External links for Thorsten Schmidt and his works | |